Working Films is seeking submissions for a new film and organizing initiative that will showcase stories of just transition and climate resilience.
Individuals and community-based organizations across the United States are working to build sustainable local economies, eliminate dependence on dirty energy, and create resilient communities in the face of climate change and economic inequality. Powerful stories are needed to amplify successes within the just transition and climate resilience movements, demonstrate a clear vision for a sustainable future, and unite people from various backgrounds and geographies to learn from each other’s efforts and increase their collective impact.
Just Transition is the long term work of eliminating fossil fuel dependence and building sustainable communities in which economic and social systems are transformed to be equitable and humane. We are seeking documentary media projects that illustrate the principles of just transition and/or that highlight community based efforts that put these principles into action. We are particularly interested in success stories that can serve as example for organizers who are in the beginning stages of this kind of work who may not identify as part of the larger movement. This means that participating projects may touch on a wide range of topics – from food sovereignty, to cooperative economics, to democratizing clean energy, just to name a few.
Apply here to be considered for the Just Transition Media Project.
We will be compiling a cohort of media projects that will be used in locations around the country.
We will consider short, feature length, virtual reality and multi-platform film projects. Screening rights fees will be paid. An emphasis will be placed films that feature personal stories, as well as media made by and about people of color. We will consider works-in-progress if it’s at a strong stage, is reasonably audience-ready, and is short. If you have a work-in- progress, we suggest offering one selection, rather than a full rough cut.
Our team and partner organizations will participate in the review process to assess the quality of the filmmaking and storytelling, relevance of issues highlighted, and the extent to which the story presents a catalyst and vision for organizing. We will also pay an honorarium to participating media makers and report out on the use and impact of the media within the project. We anticipate selecting media in early 2017.