Each summer we bring in people who possess the initiative to take on new and innovative assignments through our George Stoney Fellowship. We are currently accepting applications! The fellowship is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in using film and media as tools to create activist awareness of the most important issues we face today. You can read more about the namesake, George Stoney, and the qualifications for the fellowship here.
Read what last years Stoney Fellow, Nekoro Gomes, had to say about his experiences:
As a George Stoney fellow with Working Films during the summer of 2008, I was honored with the opportunity to organize a media outreach summit for the documentary film, Greensboro: Closer to the Truth. My work brought together activists and educators from across the country. It was truly a blessing to hear activists who had been on the front lines of the civil rights movement speak of their experiences. The second half of my fellowship involved working to tell the story of the uniquely unparalleled work that is done by Working Films. In trying to tell the story of Working Films, I gained confidence in my ability to visualize a project and see it through to its completion.
During my time at Working Films, I learned the importance of opening yourself up to others and valuing the diversity of where other people come from. As a fellow, you will get the opportunity to work with a passionate and knowledgeable group of media strategists who truly believe in the idea that content + intent = change. In addition, Wilmington, North Carolina is not just a great site for Working Films because of its vibrant artistic and filmmaking community; it’s a great place to see a natural world that’s all-too-forgotten in the hustle-and-bustle where too many young storytellers think they need to be. Working Films will put you in position to hear and see many different stories, the one you choose to tell however is up to you.
The deadline for applications is March 30th, so submit yours today for the chance to be a change maker this summer.