We’re on the lookout for documentaries to incorporate into film-driven organizing campaigns!
Working Films is seeking short documentaries to inform and mobilize residents from coast to coast to stop offshore drilling! Submit your film to be a part of Shore Stories.
We’re also looking for documentaries focused on the intersections of immigration, climate, and environmental justice for use within the StoryShift initiative. Read more and submit your film.
We will consider shorts, excerpts from feature length films, and multi-platform film projects. Screening rights fees will be paid and we will provide free impact consultation to selected filmmakers and offer peer-to-peer networking and support opportunities. An emphasis will be placed on films that feature personal stories, as well as media made by and about people of color. We will consider works-in-progress if it’s at a strong stage, is reasonably audience-ready, and is short. If you have a work-in-progress, we suggest offering one selection, rather than a full rough cut. Please do not apply if your film is not available for public use.