Working Films is seeking documentary media for two upcoming initiatives. Read about each below and submit your film(s) or multi-media projects by the deadlines listed to be considered:
Just Transition Media Project:
Just Transition is the long term work of eliminating fossil fuel dependence and building sustainable communities in which economic and social systems are transformed to be equitable and humane.
We are seeking documentary media projects that illustrate the principles of just transition and/or that highlight community based efforts that put these principles into action. We are particularly interested in success stories that can serve as example for organizers who are in the beginning stages of this kind of work who may not identify as part of the larger movement. This means that participating projects may touch on a wide range of topics – from food sovereignty, to cooperative economics, to democratizing clean energy, just to name a few.
Read the full call for media and submit your project here – rolling deadline through early 2017.
Resisting Oil & Gas Infrastructure:
From pipelines to compressor stations, groups and individuals across the country are working to stop oil and gas infrastructure. We are seeking powerful stories that can be used to amplify successful resistance and engage and mobilize even more into current campaigns.
We need films that not only demonstrate the problem with dirty infrastructure, but also highlight solutions. Some examples include films that: showcase organizing and direct action strategies, demonstrate health and environmental impacts from fossil fuel infrastructure, draw connections between pipeline projects in different locations to show the big picture, and/or feature resistance, and energy alternatives.
Read the full call for media and submit your project here by August 19th.