What does it mean to lead men in war? What does it mean to come home – injured physically and psychologically – and build a life anew? Danfung Dennis’ Hell and Back Again is a cinematically revolutionary film that asks and answers these questions with a power and intimacy no previous film about the conflict in Afghanistan has been able to achieve. Working Films, with the presenting partners of Danfung Dennis and his team, The Fledgling Fund and Impact Partners, is developing an audience and community engagement campaign to take the film out of the sometimes-rarified realm of independent documentaries and embed this moving story directly in crucial new efforts to support veterans and to educate the general public about vets’ extraordinary service and their needs on returning home. Robert West, co-founder and executive director of Working Films, and Mallory Rusch, communications director for Mission Continues, one of the campaign partners, presented background on our efforts on a webinar for PBS stations hosted by the National Center for Media Engagement. Listen to the archived webinar here.

Hell and Back Again will premiere on PBS’ five-time Emmy Award-winning series Independent Lens on May 24 at 10 PM, providing an excellent opportunity to reach millions of general audience viewers around the Memorial Day weekend.

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