See below for a banner image and a template you can use in making your own Facebook event for your Shore Stories screening.
As the Trump administration announced plans to open nearly all U.S. waters to offshore drilling, people across the country are standing up. This plan opens the floodgates to dirty and dangerous offshore drilling, threatening coastal economies that rely on clean and healthy oceans. This radical offshore drilling free-for-all is a clear example of politics over people, ignoring widespread local and state opposition.
Join us for Shore Stories, six short films that highlight the grassroots resistance taking place across the US, as well as stories from past oil and gas exploration – including the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. After the films we’ll discuss how you can take action!
(Include local context here about local efforts). Join us to stand together to protect the coast, and learn how we can keep up the fight to say NO to offshore drilling!
The screening and discussion is co-presented by [List all co-hosting organizations] and Working Films.