The Campaign: Inside the NO ON PROP 8 Fight

I was energized by the news last week that Christie Herring’s work-in-progress The Campaign was just awarded a new grant from Chicken & Egg Pictures. All week I had been following the related so-called Prop 8 trial, Kristin M. Perry v. Arnold Schwarzenegger, through the Courage Campaign’s Prop 8 trial tracker. Christie attended our MASS … Continued

Freeheld to Show at 92YTribeca

Chicken & Egg Pictures and Working Films along with our special guest presenter The Fledgling Fund invite you to join us at Story Leads To Action – a monthly series at the 92YTribeca Screening Room. On Thursday, October 15th at 7:30 pm we’re kicking-off the 2009-2010 series with a celebratory screening of the Academy Award-winning … Continued

Banished at the Center for Constitutional Rights

The Banished post-broadcast outreach campaign is in full swing! DVDs and event resources are available for community groups, civil rights institutions, and activists. Since its broadcast in February 2008, there has been overwhelming interest in intersecting Banished with on-going activism around reparations, displacement and gentrification. In June a New York-based youth program, Cultural Connections used … Continued