Fracking Stories

Fracking Stories is new compilation of six short documentaries that expose the public health and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing, and the ways that communities are coming together to protect their land and water. The series will launch in North Carolina, which lifted a moratorium on fracking last year. Events will take place across the … Continued

Coal Ash Stories Expose a Toxic Threat

Stokes County is one of fourteen sites in North Carolina, and one of hundreds across the country, where toxic coal ash is being stored. What is the impact on the communities that live next to these facilities? Watch this video to find out. Host a screening of this and three other short films on coal ash. … Continued

Host a Come Hell or High Water Watch Party

With extreme energy disasters like the West Virginia chemical leak and the exploding tar sands trains fresh on people’s minds, many of us are searching for ways to ensure the safety and health of our communities. The national television broadcast of Come Hell or High Water: The Battle for Turkey Creek on April 29th offers … Continued

Come Hell or High Water Hosts Washington, D.C. Premiere on March 30

Reel Power collaborating film Come Hell or High Water: The Battle for Turkey Creek will host it’s D.C. premiere at the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker, the film’s protagonist, Derrick Evans, and special guests Brentin Mock, regular Grist contributor; Reilly Morse, … Continued

IMPACT: Deep Down – Make it Local

How do you make your documentary film resonate with local audiences and issues? How do you build a bridge between community activist groups and the movements in your film? Watch how Deep Down’s film team is bringing together grassroots leaders from Appalachia with community leaders from across the country engaged in similar struggles. Deep Down’s … Continued