Coal Ash Stories Expose a Toxic Threat

Stokes County is one of fourteen sites in North Carolina, and one of hundreds across the country, where toxic coal ash is being stored. What is the impact on the communities that live next to these facilities? Watch this video to find out. Host a screening of this and three other short films on coal ash. … Continued

Coal Ash Stories Screening Tour Launches in Eight N.C. Cities in Response to the Duke Energy Spill

Today organizations across North Carolina are launching Coal Ash Stories, a statewide screening tour featuring four short documentary films focused on coal ash, related public health concerns, and policy. Winston Salem Thursday, June 12, 7pm Old Salem Single Brothers Workshop 10 West Academy Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Hosted by: Sierra Club Foothills Group Belews Creek Tuesday June 17th, … Continued

Coal Ash Stories: Join us in June!

  Imagine being afraid to drink your water, take a bath, fish, or farm. These are the fears facing communities near the Duke Energy coal ash spill and in areas around other coal-fired power plants in North Carolina. You’re invited to Coal Ash Stories, an event featuring four short films focused on coal ash, public health concerns, … Continued