Reel Power Film Festival Review

Our core effort for Reel Power 2012 was the Reel Power Film Festival (RPFF) – a series of targeted grassroots screenings and events to build solidarity among frontline communities and push for renewable energy alternatives. The films in the series offer new points of entry for difficult conversations about changes that need to be made … Continued

Dirty Business Filmmaker Peter Bull Interviewed by Alternet

Coal is a mystery: Why, in the 21st century, does half of United States electricity come from this 18th-century fuel? In the age of nano-tech, why can’t we seem to make the investments necessary to effect a great leap, making renewable energy technology truly affordable? If we were to really add up all of the … Continued

Reel Power Film On IndieGoGo

When Two Worlds Collide is part of the Reel Power collaborative, a film series that tells the many stories of our energy crisis, and most importantly, community opportunities for sustainable growth. This film is in production and is currently raising funds for production through the innovative crowdfunding tool IndieGoGo. When Two Worlds Collide (trailer) from … Continued

Dirty Business Now Available on DVD

Are you looking for a movie that reveals the social and environmental costs of coal power, explores the murky realities of “clean coal,” and profiles innovators who could lead the way to a renewable energy future? Bring Dirty Business, produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting, to your community to explore these issues. Host a … Continued

Dirty Business in Kansas

There is a debate heating up in Kansas about the proposed expansion of the Holcomb Station coal-fired power plant. Proponents of Sunflower Electric Power’s plant expansion cite the need to meet the growing load requirement in the region. Opponents argue that Kansas has the nation’s second-best wind resource and that in the long run, renewable … Continued