Tales from Planet Earth 2009 film fest returns with broad community ambitions

Reposted from Isthmus: The Daily Page By David Medaris Tuesday 10/27/2009 Gregg Mitman thought Tales from Planet Earth would be a one-shot deal. The UW-Madison history of science professor and interim director of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies was a principal organizer of the 2007 environmental film festival. “Opening night, there was a line … Continued

Huffington Post Hosts No Impact Week

Will you go No Impact for a week? Come on, it’s only a week. Huffington Post has partnered with the No Impact Project to bring No Impact Week to their readers on October 18th. This summer, Working Films hosted a strategy summit for No Impact Man in preparation for Colin’s highly anticipated book, award winning … Continued

The Green Lifestyle Film Festival currently accepting submissions!

The Green Lifestyle Film Festival is currently accepting submissions for next year’s festival to be held March 13-15, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. The Green Lifestyle Film Festival is a unique festival that “focuses on sustainable life choices”. The deadline for submission is December 31st, 2008. To submit your film or find out more information, … Continued