Reel Power @ PowerShift

Reel Power is excited to announce that our films will be part of the 2011 Power Shift program from April 15-18 in Washington D.C. This year’s Power Shift will feature Vice President Al Gore, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Green Jobs leader Van Jones, founder Bill McKibben, and a Reel Power film festival! Power Shift … Continued

Dirty Business Now Available on DVD

Are you looking for a movie that reveals the social and environmental costs of coal power, explores the murky realities of “clean coal,” and profiles innovators who could lead the way to a renewable energy future? Bring Dirty Business, produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting, to your community to explore these issues. Host a … Continued

Dirty Business in Kansas

There is a debate heating up in Kansas about the proposed expansion of the Holcomb Station coal-fired power plant. Proponents of Sunflower Electric Power’s plant expansion cite the need to meet the growing load requirement in the region. Opponents argue that Kansas has the nation’s second-best wind resource and that in the long run, renewable … Continued

Join the Garbage Dreams' Tour

Launching nation-wide on October 15th, the Garbage Dreams‘ Tour is a community-based screening campaign aimed at demonstrating the true value of trash and the cost of throwing out the expertise of the Zaballeen, Egypt’s “garbage people,” who recycle 80% of everything they collect. Get involved by hosting a screening with the community screening package! “Garbage Dreams … Continued

Join the Garbage Dreams’ Tour

Launching nation-wide on October 15th, the Garbage Dreams‘ Tour is a community-based screening campaign aimed at demonstrating the true value of trash and the cost of throwing out the expertise of the Zaballeen, Egypt’s “garbage people,” who recycle 80% of everything they collect. Get involved by hosting a screening with the community screening package! “Garbage Dreams … Continued