Huffington Post: ‘The Fence’ Questions Consequences Of U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Endorsed By John McCain

Huffington Post: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)was clear in his campaign ad last week: “Complete the danged fence,” he told an Arizona sheriff, who appeared with him in the immigration-themed ad. The fence that McCain was referring to is actually a series of barriers along the U.S.-Mexican border that were approved by congress in 2006. It’s … Continued

Huffington Post: 'The Fence' Questions Consequences Of U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Endorsed By John McCain

Huffington Post: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)was clear in his campaign ad last week: “Complete the danged fence,” he told an Arizona sheriff, who appeared with him in the immigration-themed ad. The fence that McCain was referring to is actually a series of barriers along the U.S.-Mexican border that were approved by congress in 2006. It’s … Continued

Huffington Post Hosts No Impact Week

Will you go No Impact for a week? Come on, it’s only a week. Huffington Post has partnered with the No Impact Project to bring No Impact Week to their readers on October 18th. This summer, Working Films hosted a strategy summit for No Impact Man in preparation for Colin’s highly anticipated book, award winning … Continued