Semper Fi Always Faithful- UK premiere

The award-winning documentary SEMPER FI: ALWAYS FAITHFUL is coming to the UK. Working Films is partnering with the filmmakers on a targeted engagement campaign in NC and the US. YOU MUST SEE this story of one Marine’s determination to hold…


Dirty Business Takes on Chicago

On February 10th, we organized a screening of Dirty Business in Chicago with The Environmental Justice Alliance of Greater Southeast Chicago and The Center for investigative Reporting. Director Peter Bull attended and hosted the Q&A after the film. Below is…


Reel Equality Film Festival

On February 11 & 12, Working Films hosted a great weekend of events for our media campaign Reel Equality. Aimed at defeating the anti-gay NC amendment coming up for a vote this May, the campaign is touring 6 stellar documentary…


Apply to Reel Change!

Working Films and The Fledgling Fund have just announced Reel Change 2012, the third in our annual series of workshops for audience and community engagement coordinators. This time we’re hosting in Washington D.C. in collaboration with the Center for Social…


Reel Power Film Festival: Grassroots Mini-grant Opportunity

Do you live in a community that has been impacted or likely to be by mountaintop removal, fracking, or a coal-fired power plant? Are you in a community where alternative energy solutions are being implemented? Or, have you already hosted…


Dirty Business Goes to Chicago

Dirty Business is an impressive film that takes a hard look at the cycle of coal, and examines the PR campaign of clean coal and its subsequent consequences. The film also looks at the extent to which we could replace…


Eleven Films to be part of Reel Aging: Real Change

Working Films is proud to announce the documentary projects selected for Reel Aging: Real Change, an initiative supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.  These eleven compelling documentary films and transmedia projects explore aging from varied perspectives…


SEMPER FI: ALWAYS FAITHFUL Comes Home to Jacksonville

Robert West, Working Films; Tony Hardmon and Rachel Libert, filmmakers; Master Sgt Jerry Ensminger at Cucalorus. On Saturday, November 12, Semper Fi: Always Faithful screened at a “sold out” crowd at our local and hip indie film fest Cucalorus. The…