The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation, in partnership with the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program, is bringing the Good Pitch to NYC on May 20th 2011. The pitch will be hosted at the Ford Foundation as they join the Tides Foundation,…
Civil Rights

Criminal Justice


Film and Activism

Human Rights

Race and Ethnicity

Working Films News

The Good Pitch heads to NYC
The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation, in partnership with the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program, is bringing the Good Pitch to NYC on May 20th 2011. The pitch will be hosted at the Ford Foundation as they join the Tides Foundation,…
Film and Activism

Health and Ability

Working Films News

IMPACT: The Power of Youth
"New generations of people in this country should see disability as just a natural part of the diversity of our culture." - Filmmaker of Including Samuel, Dan Habib Including Samuel: The Power of Youth brings us behind the scenes of…
Working Films News

Making the Most of Interns – An Interview with Stephanie Bleyer
STEPHANIE BLEYER produces engagement campaigns and raises funds for social issue documentaries. Some of her current and past clients include Academy Award nominees Gasland and Sun Come Up, BBC’s Why Poverty?, The Documentary Group’s 10x10, Errol Morris’ Standard Operating Procedure,…
Environmental Justice

Working Films News

Reel Power April: Sun Come Up
Sun Come Up is an Oscar-nominated short documentary that follows the relocation of some of the Carteret Islanders, a peaceful community living on a remote island chain in the South Pacific Ocean, and now, some of the world’s first environmental…
Environmental Justice

Film and Activism

Working Films News

Reel Power @ PowerShift
Reel Power is excited to announce that our films will be part of the 2011 Power Shift program from April 15-18 in Washington D.C. This year's Power Shift will feature Vice President Al Gore, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Green Jobs…
Environmental Justice

Film and Activism

Working Films News

Citizens Speak Out and Clash with a Titan
Almost every film we work with tells a unique story of people fighting for social or environmental justice in their communities. Our job is to make those local stories resonate with folks in other places across the country and around…

Film and Activism

Working Films News

Global Social Change Film Festival & Institute
Well, sometimes opportunities are so unique and exotic that you can’t turn them down. The Global Social Change Film Festival and Institute invited me, through the kind recommendation of filmmaker Lexi Leban, to present at their upcoming gig. Located in…