Good Pitch Up Close

We’ve had a great year of Good Pitches so far! From DC to the UK and most recently San Francisco, we’ve been covering ground and helping generate exciting partnerships among filmmakers, NGOs, funders and brands. Are you wondering what happens…


Reel Power: Films Fueling the Energy Revolution!

Don't you think a movement needs more than one good movie? We are excited to announce a new collaboration with ten groundbreaking filmmakers - Reel Power: Films Fueling the Energy Revolution! The Reel Power film series tells the many stories…


Take Action with Speaking in Tongues!

Act Now! Join the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language to encourage your decision makers to support HR 6036. HR 6036, the Excellence and Innovation in Language Learning Act, was proposed by Congressional Representatives Rush Holt (D-NJ) and…


The Good Pitch @ SOCAP10

Working Films, in collaboration with The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation and Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program, is delighted to announce the first West Coast edition of the Good Pitch, hosted by the SOCAP10 conference at the Fort Mason Center in…


European Social Documentary (ESoDoc)

On October 2 – 8th, I will be in Catania, Italy for the third session of the European Social Documentary training, commonly called ESoDoc, an initiative offered by ZeLIG School for Documentary and supported by the European Union’s MEDIA Program.…


Reel Power at Appalachia Rising

Reel Power, a new collaboration of films on energy and natural resource extraction developed from our Reel Engagement residency, will be part of Appalachia Rising, a mass mobilization calling for the end of mountaintop removal mining to be held in…


Get Engaged with Reel Engagement!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="(Photo by Robbie Gemmel)"][/caption] Are you interested in developing skills to effectively manage film campaigns on social justice issues? If so, you should apply to our latest Reel Engagement workshop, Managing Social Issue Film Campaigns, which…


The Good Pitch UK

Working Films, in collaboration with The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation and Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program, is delighted to announce the second edition of the London Good Pitch UK. The Good Pitch UK will take place at the spectacular Royal…